Publications / Prépublications - Preprints

Prépublications / Preprints


Publications (see my collaborators here)

Numerical computations

    Page dédiée / Dedicated webpage


Habilitation à diriger des recherches. Canonical algebraic metrics and applications to various problems in Kähler geometry  [Nov 2014, Aix-Marseille University]  [PDF]
Ph.D Thesis. Métriques canoniques et équations de type Vortex  [Oct 2005, University of Toulouse III, Laboratoire E. Picard].

Preprints in preparation

Variants on the asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel, with J. Ross
Examples of of stable and unstable polarisations on ruled manifolds with J. Ross


Old preprints not submitted

Bergman kernel for sections vanishing along a divisor and slope stability (2006-2007),  a collaborative work at Imperial College [PDF]
Asymptotic of generalized Bergman kernels on non compact Kähler manifolds [PDF]
Stabilité forte du fibré tangent pour des variétés Fano [PDF]

Papers intended for a large public

Master thesis "Théorie de Jauge en dimension supérieure" under the supervision of P. Eyssidieux [PDF]
B.S Licence, "Théorème de Gauss-Bonnet-Chern"
under the supervision of J.M.  Landsberg (2000) [PDF]
A propos de l'Hypercyclicité en Théorie des Opérateurs/Analyse Fonctionelle (1998) [PDF]

Reviewer for the American Math. Society [Link to the reviews]
Reviewer for European Math. Soc (Zentralblatt Math) [Link to the reviews]